10 Ways to Stay Figo While Stuck at Home

Getting my sweat in at home with baby Luciana!

If you’re doing your part by staying at home during this Covid-19 pandemic, first off, thank you and hang in there! But you may find that you’re at a loss of … Read more

5 Minute Yoga Stretch

If you seriously only have five minutes, check this video out right here! You won’t be disappointed! I always feel so tight when I first wake up in the morning. Stretching makes me feel good and kicks my day off
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Morning Routines

Wake up and seize the day! My morning routine has evolved a bit since having kids but they key is to plan ahead whether it comes to fitness or food. If you’re going to workout, have your sneakers out and … Read more

FigoFit 12 Days of Fitness: Day 3

🎤On the third day of fitness my trainer gave to me…🎄


Two minute wall sit
And one yoga plank walk!

The point of this move is to do as many repetitions as you can! One … Read more

FigoFit 12 Days of Fitness- Day 1


🎤On the 1st day of fitness my trainer gave to me…ONE YOGA WALKOUT! 🎄

This move is a great warmup or cool down to add to your exercise routine. Complete a few repetitions of the basic walkout by inhaling … Read more

Metabolism Myths & Truths

By: OnPoint Nutrition

Last newsletter, we discussed the components that make up our metabolism and how complex this calorie-burning system is. As a reminder, metabolism is the process by which our bodies convert what we eat into energy. This … Read more

FigoFit Four Week Challenge


Happy 2016!!This is the time of year we aspire to get healthy, rid ourselves of old vices and begin a new era of our lives. Unfortunately, I see a lot … Read more