FigoFit 12 Days of Fitness: Day 7

🎤On the seventh day of fitness my trainer gave to me…🎄


Sixty second split lunges
Five types of squats!!!
Four minute tabata
Three push up dog planks
Two minute wall sit
And one yoga plank walk!

I’ve … Read more

Healthy + Refreshing Cocktail

Berry Skinny Cocktail

It’s your last chance to soak up the summer! This cocktail is perfect to complement your last post up by the pool, yet staying true to your healthy September resolutions.

Makes 2 cocktails


-handful of raspberries… Read more

12 Days of Fitness Challenge: Day 5

The walkout is a great stretch for a tight lower back and hamstrings. But don’t worry for your boredom, I’m always cognizant of the need for some belly fat burn this time of year! I add some sugar and spice … Read more

12 Tips to a Happy & Healthy Holiday

1. Embrace your inner dasher
Tis the season for intervals! I’m adamant about getting my clients to change up their cardio workouts when the 1-hour elliptical jaunt has gotten all too comfortable. Not only are intervals efficient of your time, … Read more

Small Victories with Trainer Peanut

I’m about a week out from the Fitness Atlantic 2014 in Connecticut! One small victory, one day at a time in reaching my ultimate goal. Slip ups have ABSOLUTELY happened, but I didn’t let them overcome me. I didn’t come … Read more

Protein Time

I love my protein shakes. I use them post workout and sometimes as meal replacements. They fill me up and help me recover from my workouts. Protein assists in building lean muscle so I can stay jacked as hell.

Check … Read more