FigoFit 12 Days of Fitness: Day 4

🎤On the fourth day of fitness my trainer gave to me…🎄


Three push up dog planks
Two minute wall sit
And one yoga plank walk!

Did you know that studies show that just 4 minutes of “TABATA” style HIIT training can be more effective at increasing cardiovascular capacity and fat burn than traditional “aerobic” style training? I picked the most difficult move that I know, but you can certainly sub in a jump squat, push up, or jump rope if the burpee is too intense for you. Whatever move you choose, you want 4 minutes of it to feel quite difficult.

Grab your timer or watch the clock and set to intervals of 20 seconds of work/ 10 seconds of rest. Complete the 20/10 intervals 8x equaling 4 minutes.

First VIP winner is Autumn Henderson!She’ll be winning a free entry into the 30 Day Cleanse Challenge launching January 2nd!   Thanks for participating and for being one of Figo’s #1 fans!

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