12 Days of Fitness Challenge: Day 5

The walkout is a great stretch for a tight lower back and hamstrings. But don’t worry for your boredom, I’m always cognizant of the need for some belly fat burn this time of year! I add some sugar and spice … Read more

12 Days of Fitness Challenge: Day 4

We all want a flat stomach right? Let’s be realistic though–normally not gonna happen this time of year unless you’re a genetic freak, then we hate you. But seriously, it’s nice to at least FEEL that those abs are there … Read more

Crunching Numbers for the New Year

Tis the season for an influx of new gym memberships, 15 minute waits for the elliptical, angry regulars, confused beginners, and busy trainers cashing out. Yes, tis the season for fitness new years resolutions! While I treasure this time of … Read more