FigoFit Four Week Challenge


Happy 2016!!This is the time of year we aspire to get healthy, rid ourselves of old vices and begin a new era of our lives. Unfortunately, I see a lot … Read more

12 Days of Fitness Challenge: Day 3

Today, we’re toning up that booty and legs! Try out my 3 types of lunges on day 3! With this move, we’re dynamically working the lower body and increasing our range of motion. The challenging part, is that you have … Read more

Happy Planksgiving!

Try out my FREE quick Figofit circuit to burn max calories in minimal time.

Complete this quick circuit 3x!
1. Plank Jack w/ Pushup (60 sec)
2. Turkey Jump (60 sec)
3. Mountain Climbers( 60 sec)

I suggest banging out … Read more

Figo November 13th

Cesar Dressing:
-4 anchovy fillets
-4 cloves of crushed garlic
-2 tsp dijon mustard
-2 T fresh lemon juice
-3 T balsamic vinegar
-1 tsp Worcestershire
-freshly cracked pepper and sea salt to taste
-1 egg
-1/2 C extra virgin … Read more

Figo October 9th

My APPLE CIDER SANGRIA is perfect for your autumn get together. Get some apples and the cider from your favorite local orchard. Don’t forget to make a virgin version for the kids!

Serves 10-12

-1 gallon of apple … Read more

Skinny Rainbow Skewers

Skewers scream summer! Not only are these mad healthy, but they’re delicious and pretty tough to mess up. A couple appies, these babies, and some iced cold beers, and you’ve got yourself a complete meal.

Grab friends at your next … Read more

Crunching Numbers for the New Year

Tis the season for an influx of new gym memberships, 15 minute waits for the elliptical, angry regulars, confused beginners, and busy trainers cashing out. Yes, tis the season for fitness new years resolutions! While I treasure this time of … Read more

12 Tips to a Happy & Healthy Holiday

1. Embrace your inner dasher
Tis the season for intervals! I’m adamant about getting my clients to change up their cardio workouts when the 1-hour elliptical jaunt has gotten all too comfortable. Not only are intervals efficient of your time, … Read more