12 Tips to a Happy & Healthy Holiday

1. Embrace your inner dasher
Tis the season for intervals! I’m adamant about getting my clients to change up their cardio workouts when the 1-hour elliptical jaunt has gotten all too comfortable. Not only are intervals efficient of your time, … Read more

7 starjumps


Work the whole body with the star jump. Some of my fitness participants also recognize this move as the “turkey jump” 😉… Read more

6 rounds of bike


DAY 6. We’re biking it out, working the obliques today…with hair on the floor! Peanut hangs at her client Dustin’s hair salon showing that an ab workout can be done anywhere! Just maybe choose a softer surface…

BICYCLES: For … Read more

3 minute jump rope


Day 3. Peanut inspires you to keep on moving, even if it means trespassing into your local mall’s North Pole. In this clip ended unintentionally short, Peanut risks it for the sake of fitness and gets kicked out of … Read more