How to Be a Runner

1. Slow and Steady Wins the Race- No need to run fast or even time yourself in the beginning. Just get outside and go.

2. Run Intervals- You don’t have to be able to run for an hour straight to be a runner. Think of running as a 6 minute walk/run ratio. Start with 5/1, then the next week 4/2, 3/3, 2/4 and finally 1/5 until you can run for 6 minutes straight.

3. Sign Up Already!- Stop thinking about that 5k. Just sign up so you don’t have a choice! You can be ready for a 5k in as little as 6 weeks even if you’re beginner.

4. No Need to Run Everyday- Mix it up with some resistance training or biking to give those joints a rest and to strengthen the muscles and ligaments around the joints.

5. Stretch it Out- Injury prevention is a must when making the decision to be a runner. Keep those hamstrings, hip flexors and lower back strong and flexible with some yoga or basic stretching.

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