FigoFit 12 Days of Fitness: Day 10

🎤On the tenth day of fitness my trainer gave to me…🎄


Ninety second plank
Eight single leg balances
Seven bicep curls
Sixty second split lunges
Five types of squats!!!
Four minute tabata
Three push up dog planks… Read more

Crunching Numbers for the New Year

Tis the season for an influx of new gym memberships, 15 minute waits for the elliptical, angry regulars, confused beginners, and busy trainers cashing out. Yes, tis the season for fitness new years resolutions! While I treasure this time of … Read more

Reach the Beach: Muscle Definition Workout

Peanut’s easy-to-do circuit is sure to blast fat, burn calories, and tone & tighten your trouble spots! Quick, safe and effective. Complete the circuit 2x minimally, and up to 5x for max benefits! Make sure you stretch the day after. … Read more