Figo: Episode 2!

In FigoFit, Peanut is showing you an original move called the downdog to push-up pyramid. A fantastic exercise for tightening the arms and toning the shoulders. We also get the yoga benefits from the downward dog, especially in those often-tight … Read more

12 Tips to a Happy & Healthy Holiday

1. Embrace your inner dasher
Tis the season for intervals! I’m adamant about getting my clients to change up their cardio workouts when the 1-hour elliptical jaunt has gotten all too comfortable. Not only are intervals efficient of your time, … Read more

Resistance Training 101

With the help of my meathead best friend Julie, I’ve demonstrated and explained the most basic resistance training exercises that require dumbbells and just bodyweight. Most exercise prescriptions I provide for my clients include these fundamental moves, so it’s essential … Read more

Reach the Beach: Muscle Definition Workout

Peanut’s easy-to-do circuit is sure to blast fat, burn calories, and tone & tighten your trouble spots! Quick, safe and effective. Complete the circuit 2x minimally, and up to 5x for max benefits! Make sure you stretch the day after. … Read more