Happy Figo Friday everyone! Today is my favorite day of the week…LEG DAY! Here’s the much anticipated 10 minute PREGNANCY WORKOUT—the leg and booty buster!!!
I have so many mamas, some expecting and some anticipating a pregnancy, asking what I’m doing to stay fit throughout my pregnancies. Early on, I continued my normal routine of weight training, running, indoor cycling and HIIT workouts. But now that I’m third trimester, I’m listening to my body and backing off a bit. Getting my steps in with daily power walks and toning with quick workouts like this are my bread and butter for the home stretch before I deliver in less than 2 months! This workout is great for all levels of prenatal fitness!
Give this workout a try and let me know what you think! 10 minute upper body workout coming next month on the first friday of the month #figofriday 🙂
Video cred: The amazing Trevor Polly