Nike Pro Bra Experience, NYC


Down in the heart of Soho, Nike was determined to show women how your boobs should really feel during a workout. Secured and like they’re not even there–that describes my breasts when they’re at their best during a sweat sesh.… Read more

how will you spend the 4%?

Don’t be misled that your workout MUST be 1 hour each day. I often times feel great if I just get in 20-30 minutes of exercise. The point is that 4% is such a small chunk of your day. With … Read more

Nike Ellis Island Hyperwarm NTC Workout 12/12/13

NIKE hyperwarmA few photos from the Nike hyper warm workout on Ellis Island in NYC! It was such a blast reuniting with trainers I haven’t seen in a while, getting an awesome full body workout in the warmest gear, and hanging … Read more